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                      Buyers Beware: Deferred Resignation Offer

              NTEU has reviewed the “Fork in the Road” email more closely.

We continue to strongly urge you not to take this alleged “deal.” It is not good for you or for the American people.
Don’t be threatened or coerced into resigning from your job. The American people count on you as a member of the non-partisan civil service to deliver for them. The country needs you now more than ever.

Here’s what we know:

Email Authenticity: Never trust an official email that is meant to circumvent—and undermine—the chain of command. You should be deeply concerned that the agency human capital offices were seemingly kept out of this process. 

Clarity: The “deal” that OPM says it is offering you, its “deferred resignation program,” simply does not add up. It lacks any concrete guarantees. 

Precedence: The way in which OPM is offering this incentive is unprecedented and there is no evidence at this point that it has the legal authority to do so. This indicates a desire to rush employees into making potentially irreversible decisions. 

Legality: It isn’t even clear that an agency can legally put a federal employee who accepts OPM’s deferred resignation offer on paid administrative leave for the rest of the fiscal year.

Regardless of what OPM or your agency say, there is no guarantee what they will do or that it can be enforced if you resign, especially given the uncertainty above. 
We stand firm with you and will take all appropriate action to protect your rights. 

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© Copyright 2022  The National Treasury Employees Union Chapter 14 Saint Louis - Missouri

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